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AG 尊龙凯时:科技资讯:睡眠少是因为"撒切尔基因"?
2025-02-05 07:31:01
本文摘要:简介:有些人每天睡觉9个小时,白天下班还是在犯困;有人只睡觉4、5个小时,却能全天精力充沛,效率超高。简介:有些人每天睡觉9个小时,白天下班还是在犯困;有人只睡觉4、5个小时,却能全天精力充沛,效率超高。究竟为什么不会这样呢?研究人员说道,是基因的问题。Researchers recently discovered a gene that regulates the duration of sleep an individual needs. The new findings may explain why some people appear to have an internal alarm clock, and can wake up on their own. It may also explain why some people are light sleepers, able to operate on only a few hours of sleep.研究人员最近找到了一种需要管理人们所须要睡眠中时间长短的基因。这一新发现也许能说明,为什么有些人样子有个内置的闹钟,总能自己定点醒来时;而有的人每天只睡觉几个小时却仍然精力充沛。
The research was conducted by members of the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) of Munich. The gene the team identified is called ABCC9 and has been nicknamed the Thatcher gene in honor of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, famous for needing as little as four hours of sleep a night.该研究是由慕尼黑大学的研究人员展开的。他们找到的这个基因叫作ABCC9,后被人以前英国首相撒切尔夫人的名字命名,戏称为“撒切尔基因”,因为撒切尔夫人以睡眠中时间较少而闻名,每天的睡眠中时间只有四个小时。
Researchers discovered that people who had two copies of one common variant of ABCC9 slept for significantly shorter periods than people with two copies of another version.研究人员找到,体内有两组ABCC9基因变种的人比其他人的睡眠中时间“显著延长”。
本文关键词:AG 尊龙凯时,AG 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!
本文来源:AG 尊龙凯时-www.meiketu.com